Crowcroft Park Primary School

Safer Recruitment 

Crowcroft Park Primary School welcomes the participation of parents, carers and other volunteers in a range of activities which may contribute directly or indirectly to the learning, development and wellbeing of our pupils. 

We value the time that volunteers give and their willingness to assist us in providing additional opportunities for pupils. We will seek to provide any necessary guidance or support which may assist this voluntary contribution.

As a school we also have a responsibility to ensure that our volunteers are aware of certain obligations placed upon them through undertaking activities within the school environment. This is necessary for the school to secure the safety and welfare of pupils and to meet safeguarding inspection requirements. 

  1. Volunteers must be willing to comply with school policies and procedures at all times and must follow any instructions provided by the appropriate member(s) of staff.
  2. Volunteers must regard themselves as adult role models when undertaking school activities and ensure that their conduct is appropriate to the school setting.
  3. Volunteers have a right to expect respect and co-operation from any pupils that they may engage with. Any concerns about pupil behaviour should be referred to the relevant member(s) of staff.
  4. Volunteers must be mindful of confidentiality considerations and should not discuss or pass on information about individual pupils or internal school matters which they may receive or obtain while undertaking voluntary activities.
  5. Volunteers who undertake activities involving pupils on a frequent basis will be required to apply for an enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) disclosure. Positions in schools are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and this means that any criminal convictions, including cautions or bind-overs must be declared and will be considered in confidence when assessing suitability for voluntary activities in the school. The school is obliged to maintain a record of all adults who are subject to safeguarding checks but this will not include details of any convictions. This record is kept on a confidential basis and is subject to inspection by Ofsted.
  6. Volunteers should bring any concern they have (whether relating to a child or another member of staff) immediately to the class teacher they are working with or, if this is not possible, to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

 The Headteacher and governing body reserve the right to determine whether any volunteer should be refused   permission to participate or to continue to participate in appropriate activities where this is felt to be justified.

Teaching children to Stay Safe

crowcroft park relationships health education lessons.pdf

 Safer Recruitment Policy

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