Crowcroft Park Primary School

The School Day

Arriving at school

When you arrive at school, please wait in the playground until the doors are opened.  Please make sure that your child has everything they need for the day e.g. packed lunch, PE kit, swimming kit, glasses etc.....

School Gates - Opening & Closing Times:


School gates open 08:40am

The school day starts at 8:45am -  registration is 9:00am

School gates close at 8.50am

If you arrive at school after 8.50am, parents /pupils must report to the school office to sign in.



School gates open at 3:10pm and children are escorted  into the playground at 3:15pm by their class teacher who will stay with them until they are collected by an adult.

Total hours provided - 32.5 per week.


School lunches are staggered between 12:00pm and 1:30pm

 Our New Playground